Saturday, 14 May 2011

my 21st life such a blessed.

my 21th life is such a blessed.

I Thank Thou God, for this breath and heartbeats. everyday, I learn something new about myself. Thou have been put me through the hardest part of life that none won't ever take a place over it, but I still can stand with my head held high. now I am so much stronger than I give myself credit for before, I am strong and life will never get me down. I believe that there is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go, and everything is gonnabe better and better every day. Thou teaches me that anything is possible; nothing can stopping me but myself.

I Thank Thou God, for this moment like hell. Thou grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. Thou shows me that karma has no deadline, and the past was never a mistake if I learned from it. Thou tells me that bad news never had good timing and rainbows doesn't always comes after rains, and I've to ready to mess up with a storm. Thou tells me that it is okay sometimes to put myself into the dark or get lost in the bottom of the sea or not moving on anywhere just stay at the same place; because of that I can spread my wings and learn how to fly without count on anybody else but myself.

I Thank Thou God, for this round of family and friendship. sometimes Thou makes people betray me the moment I trust them the most, and nothing I could do but forgive. Thou gives me people who will always loves me inside-outside and I don't have to change what I am. Thou gives me people who will always talk about me behind my back, hates me and runs their mouths cause they know its all about me. Thou gives me people who will fight for me, whatever the worst damn things happen we will just laughs together like a fool. and in every condition Thou never forget to remainds me that I will always have the bestfriend in the whole world named myself.

I Thank Thou God, for sent this asshole one as my soulmate. Thou shows me that to find a prince, I gotta kiss some toads. I learned a lot about what true love is. I learned about how to fight for my love and stand alone for so long because all the best love stories have one thing in common; they need to go against all odds to get there. I learned a lot about sometimes our soulmates doesn't meant to be our destiny. I learned a lot about the key to love and being loved is patience. Thou makes me believe that love may travel so long but it will always take us to where us belong, cause all of good things is coming to those who wait. afterall, Thou let us to through it way together until that second time. Thou let us to realize that well, yess the power of love will always works; only if we put it into Your Name and pray. Thou let me forget about Thou once to make me remember that I have to do love Thou before I'm starting to love somebody else.

I Thank Thou God, for this lesson of life. Thou makes me realize that everybody get hurts, bleeds, laughs, smiles, and loves. sadness, disappointment, and despair have to flee in the presence of hope. Thou teaches me to forgive myself before I forgive somebody else. Thou teachs me to respect myself before I give it to somebody else. Thou teachs me that good or bad, wrong or rite, dark or lite, everything is so normal on its way. all we have to do is just believe; Thou taught me to against all of this shits all I have to do is just believe in Thou.

my 21st life is such a blessed, thanks God! I love Thou.


the birthday girl -Tirta.
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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

iseng-iseng iklan.

jadi ceritanya, tadi siang saya dibawain nasi biryani kesukaan oleh si mantan-yang-sekarang-sudah-laki-orang itu. 


terlepas dari ikatan yang pernah sedang dan akan terus terjalin di antara saya dan beliau, saya akui bahwa makanan di restorannya memang enak-enak sih. menunya bervariasi, tetapi diliat dari namanya aja kita pasti sudah tau deh kalo jagoan di tempat ini adalah bubur. mulai dari bubur yang sering dijual di abang-abang, sampe bubur zafran -bubur paling mahal yang pernah saya makan dan untungnya saya tidak menyesal karna rasanya memang nendang, selain itu saya tidak perlu bayar juga  yakaaaan:p- semua tersedia disini.
bagi yang pengen nyobain menu nasi, saya sarankan untuk coba pesen nasi biryani. nasi ini merupakan nasi khas daerah timur tengah. berasnya diimpor langsung dari india dan pakistan, yaaa beda-beda dikitlah sama beras lokal. bentuknya lonjong dan agak besar.selain nasi biryani, ada juga roti canay dan shawarma, serta kebab yang dijamin bikin blenger. gede banget men!
untuk masakan dalam negeri pun, tempat ini tidak kalah tampil dan rasa. cobain sop buntutnya, renyaaaaah dan gurih! udah gitu ada juga kangkung, ayam mentega, jenis ikan-ikanan, roti bakar, sampe indomie telor kornet pun ada lho!
dan karna memang yang punya ini toko orang pakistan asli, jadi kalo udah aus jangan lupa pesennya teh pakistan asli. rasanya kurang lebih sama dengan teh tarik yang sudah lebih dulu populer di negeri ini. bedanya, saat minum teh pakistan ini lo akan nemuin sensasi rasa mint-mint gimanaaaaaa gituh. teh ini juga pas diminum saat lo puyeng, lumayan bisa bikin seger.
hanya saja, harga makanan di tempat ini menurut saya yang belum berpenghasilan sediri begini mah termasuk dalam golongan mahal. bayangin ajee, masa indomie rebus biasa dipatok harga dua puluh ribu rupiah?! direbusnya di pakistan kali itu mie, zzzzz -___-
hhmmm.. range harga disini tuh mulai dari 20rb sampai dengan 100rb untuk makanan, dan 15rb sampe dengan 50rb untuk minuman. sebenernya sih kalo difikir-fikir, harga-harga ini masih termasuk biasa saja untuk ukuran restoran yang letaknya strategis dan dekat dari kawasan elit. udah gitu, ada masakan khas negara luar juga. banyak artis yang dateng juga. tempat parkirnya luas juga. tempatnya nyaman juga. yang punya toko ganteng banget juga. errr... baiklah saya tau itu berlebihan banget, tapi setidaknya begitulah pembelaan dari sang ponakan pemilik toko, waseem ahmed tiap saya protes soal harga yang terlalu berlebihan tersebut. *timpukin waseem rame-rame*
keistimewaan yang lain, toko ini berdampingan dengan toko karpet al-hamd yang merupakan milik keluarga ahmed ini juga. selain itu, kalo lo kelaperan gitu tengah malem, jangan khawatir. main aja ke daerah radio dalam ujung no.123, jakarta selatan, karna toko ini buka siap sedia 24 jam gitu ceritanya. keliatan koq, letaknya persis diapit oleh toko sepatu my shoes dan restoran oenpao, bersebrangan dengan tempat tinggalnya anang -iya, anang yang dulu suami krisdayanti terus cere terus duet sama syahrini terus ribut terus sekarang duet gitu sama ashanty itu lho-  dan aurel serta adiknya saya lupa siapa namanya. deket banget deh sama pim 1.
eh adzan shubuh, udahan dulu yah..

mumpung lagi mood saya lagi baik, sekalian promosiin aja deh.. :p